Monday, November 11, 2013

2nd P-day! Woot, woot!!

Hi Everyone! I hope that you are all doing well :) How is the weather over there? Everyday it gets colder and darker here. It is now pitch-black around 5pm already!!! 

I have some quotes that I heard this week and really enjoyed! 
"Be the miracle." -Sis. Mooney
"There are no ordinary people, only potential gods and goddesses in our midst." -Tad R. Callister

Things here are going well! I finally bought boots!!! :D They are so cute! I am a size 4 here! If my foot was a little smaller I would have had to get a child's boot size!!! 

Sister Douglas (my companion/trainer) tells me that I am definitely prepared to be a missionary and she sees me progressing so fast she bets I will be a travelling sister soon!! That is CRAZY! It makes me feel good though. It is nice because most of the time missionary work seems to come natural... There are times when I feel incredibly awkward though. Then I'm sure I make everyone else feel awkward too... Haha, woops!

The members here are so nice in our ward. They are always very willing to help. The other day we were so blessed because we were in the car with a member when it suddenly started to hail really bad!! Sister Douglas and I would have been out in that if it wasn't for the member giving us a little of her time to drive us somewhere. 

I never realized what a blessing it is when members offer their time or house or food or ask for service. There are many times when we wish people would call us asking for service. This week we were able to do service for several members. It was so fun!! I can now REALLY see what a blessing the Noble family and Alexa Staggs are to missionaries! Keep it up! We need people like you! <3

Here we call tracking (knocking on doors) chapping. Isn't that funny? And grand means okay. I always thought it meant fabulous. Then I was told I was using it wrong... Woops...

I found out this week that the Fanta soda was made by the Nazi's. Isn't that an interesting fact?

Hey Matt, do you know what Kebab's are? Apparently they are super popular here! They are from Turkey. In our mission we do this thing where new missionaries get "kebabtised"! I still haven't tried one! But today might be my day and I am super excited to find out what the heck it is :) 

If anyone was thinking of getting me anything for Christmas I actually do have a wish list :) I heard that it is cheaper to get things sent to me instead of buying them here....
-tights (fun colours)
-a slip
-a mixed cd of church songs with the song "Two Years" on it (Heather and Heidi and Shaela I know you guys are really skilled at making mixed cd's :))
-mechanical pencils
-wallet (cute, big, durable, clutch... my old one is almost completely useless dropping money out of it...)

If it is too expensive to send me anything I completely understand :) Don't worry too much about it! :)

Does anyone have any clean jokes that I can use to make people think I'm hilarious?

Fun Fact: Apparently when the Bible was being translated there were many authors and poets who were asked to help translate it. In Psalms 46 the author who translated that section put his name. If you count from the beginning of the verse 46 words down and then start at the bottom of the page and count 46 words up it will tell you who translated it. However, that could be awful instructions and you will never know until I'm there in person to show you... sorry! Hope someone can figure it out!! :)

I hope you all have an amazing week! I love you all! Thank you for all that you do for me! :)

1 comment:

  1. We are absolutely loving reading your posts. I am so happy to hear how well you are doing. Thank you for being such a good example to my boys. I wish I could see you in action, I am sure you are rocking it and adorable at the same time. We send you all our love and keep you in our prayers. Stay strong and try and stay warm!!
