Monday, May 19, 2014

Only 5 Weeks, but boy were they fun :)

Well, this last week was a hard and growing week. I don't know if any of you remember what it feels like to grow, but usually it hurts and is pretty uncomfortable feeling. However, I am not talking about physically growing (shocking, I know).... I am grateful for trials though because we are able to realize how strong we really are and we are able to learn so much from them. Agency is a frustrating thing sometimes though. BUT! It is good to remember that everything happens for a reason.

Quote of the Week: 
"Please remember, the Lord requires you to be clean but not perfect. The Holy Ghost operating again in your life is the surest indicator of forgiveness by the Lord because 'the Spirit of the Lord doth not dwell in unholy temples' (Helaman 4:24). And recognize that the mandate to 'forgive all men' (D&C 64:10) includes forgiving yourself." -Elder Bednar

Scripture of the Week:
Alma 7:11-13

Momma, I got the card! Thank you for sending it to me! 

This week was hard for many reasons. My foot AND Sister Moore's were hurting. A big majority of our friends whom we have been teaching fell off the face of the earth. It was so heart breaking! No one would answer their phones or doors, so we didn't know if they were ignoring us or if something was wrong... I do appreciate the post that I receive though! Thank you so much to anyone who sends me things! It is like treasure!! :D I am so sorry for how bad I am at responding to it though!! I will try to do better! I just need to find the time!!

Stuart is 100% off of tea now!!  The wedding is off though. We didn't see Sammy or Stuart the whole week while they were making the decision of what they wanted to do, but we finally got back in contact with them yesterday (Sunday). We are going to take things slow. The last thing we want to do is stress them out!! 

There are so many less active members here! Sometimes when we stop people on the street we find out that they have been baptised, but have not come to church for several years! One man we met on the street a few weeks ago, who is a member, came to church with us yesterday. It was his first time coming back in 7 years!! 

Glasgow is supposedly one of the rainiest places, but I guess having two Arizona sister's together we brought the Arizona sun shine!! :D I wonder if that is all going to change now though because we got the moves call and I am leading out the area here in Glasgow (after only being here for 5 weeks) and Sister Moore is moving on. We are sad to say goodbye together after only being with each other for 5 weeks, but we know that this is the Lord's plan, so we will make the best of our last little bit of time together. I love Sister Moore so much! She is HILARIOUS!!! And she taught me a lot as well! I am so excited for her new companion because she is very lucky to have Sister Moore!! 
Only in Glasgow!

Kelsey loves these sisters!

The BEST sisters are in Glasgow1

Fancy hair!

Sister Shine sends sweetness!

Kelsey's district

Sister Shine sent this picture of the day Kelsey left Dublin.
She found the pineapple!

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