Monday, August 11, 2014

Moving on...

So, I was in Dublin for 6 months, Glasgow for 4 months, and now I am going to Limerick Ireland!
I have been with:
1. Sister Kelcie Douglas (Trainer in Dublin)
2. Sister Danielle Caswell (Step Mum in Dublin)
3. Sister Karina Quinones (Mini Missionary for 2 weeks in Dublin)
4. Sister Shelby Moore (For 5 weeks in Glasgow)
5. Sister Kate Cannon (She is honestly one of my best friends! Together in Glasgow)
6. Sister Tuany Dias (Trainee being trained by Sister Cannon and I was with them in Glasgow for 2 weeks)

Now I am going to be with Sister Galbraith (this next transfer will be her last one) and with Sister Pitcher (who just came back to the mission field after going home due to sickness). The AP told me that I am being sent there to be compassionate, patient, and loving. So we will see how this transfer goes... haha, I'm a little nervous...
Have a great week!!

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