Thursday, August 15, 2013

Best Friends Forever

As previously mentioned, one of my best friends goes by the name of Shaela. This little lady is truly amazing! If you are looking for someone to listen to you while you whine like a wee babe, or for someone to give amazing advice, or for someone to have a girls night with you and help you make cookies, or for someone to just always be there for you.... THEN!!! What it all comes down to is, Shaela is your girl! We met way back in Junior High!! Junior High was NOT my favorite, but Shaela is!! We have been through so much together!! We have so much in common, and always have so much fun together! :) One awesome thing is she has a little sister too so sometimes the four of us all hang out together! I love these girls! Sometimes having a group of girlfriends is what you need! 
Sophomore Year
We have grown up a lot together!
And we will continue growing together! <3

Shaela is so beautiful, smart, and spiritual. I look up to her a lot. If I EVER need ANYTHING I know she will be there which is very comforting! And I always try to return the favor! Now, as for our adventures together... They started LONG ago so I can not fill you in on ALL of them... BUT! I can fill you in on a few :) Shaela and I graduated from the same high school together. We watch new episodes of Pretty Little Liars together every Tuesday night! ...don't judge. ;) We make yummy food together. We swim together. We party all day and everyday when we are together. We shop together. We make weird videos together. She is like a sister! My other half! Life is so good with her around <3 When I come home from my mission in April of 2015 I can see Shaela and I picking up our friendship where we left it off. Who am I kidding, we are going to be best friends forever and be adorable pregnant ladies together and our babies will grow up and marry each other. Yep, we have a pretty nice life.
It is also really nice because Shaela and I are able to relate to each other so well. We both were busy our first year of college. We both were dating boys who were preparing for missions. We both had to say goodbye to our boys at the same time... It was hard, but good! We are both so proud of them and know they will be amazing missionaries! It is nice to be able to sit with her and to talk about the missionaries we miss. Sometimes that is exactly what I need!! She is such a good listener, and has learned how to put up with my craziness! Luckily for me, she is crazy too ;) In fact, her blog is called :) Haha, at least we both know we are crazy!
Junior High is such an awkward time of life.
Good thing we both knew how to stay thug. ;)

Any time spent with Shaela is a blast! Girl knows how to party!!

How do you say goodbye to your best friend for two years? Shaela and I do it in style.
We made a home-cooked meal for the boys.
We ate in candlelight with romantic music playing.
For dessert, chocolate covered strawberries.
Basically, we are pretty amazing girlfriends, haha ;)

No matter what the problem is, I love knowing I have my Shae there! Best Friends Forever! I will miss her dearly for 18 months, and I know she is worried about the time apart because she feels like all of her friends are leaving her... What she hasn't realized yet is that she is one of the strongest and bravest and funniest people I know! It may be hard to have best friends leave you behind, but many blessings will be coming her way soon! LOVE YOU BOO! <3 I can't wait to get letters from her throughout my mission!! :D 

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