Sunday, August 18, 2013

How to end a hard week.

Do you need to know how to end a hard week? Don't worry. I can help.
After a week of long hours at work, no letters from missionaries, and feeling sick... You need to begin your weekend with something spectacular!
1. Ride your bike. I ride my bike home from work while listening to music. It helps to take the stress off and you can breathe some fresh air. PLUS! Good exercise.

2. Be hopeful that you'll get a letter! You never know! Today can be your day!! :D
*If you don't get it today... then you have something to look forward to for tomorrow!

3. Invite one of your bestest friends in the whole world over to your house to party the night away!!

4. Go treat yo'self! In-N-Out Burger for dinner is truly amazing! :)

5. Ice cream is a must.
I mean come on, it makes ANYTHING better ;)

6. Watch a movie with this pretty lady in it.
Audrey Hepburn makes you wanna put the ice cream down and be a sophisticated, beautiful women such as herself. 

7. Find every pillow and blanket that you own and put them on the living room floor.

8. Make waffles in the morning with nice, warm homemade syrup. 

9. Watch Shrek. :)
10. Write letters to your missionary friends again! :)
There you have it. 10 simple steps to have a good and relaxing weekend after a hard week. 
*Caution: You probably shouldn't do it every weekend... You might get as big as a house and then those simple things won't seem as special anymore.
*Warning: After your fun and relaxing weekend you will have to start a whole new week over again. Good luck! Hope your new week is better than the last!
With Love,

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